Re: minerals for the genetic code - must read
If you did a right click on "Launch in external player or download." and "save as" the rest is up to the speed of your internet connection and the weakest link in the network...
This could then be your equipment, or the ISP's transmission lines, routers etc. between you and the file...
Network Latency
throttled routers and switches
Network Saturation
Packet Processing Implications
Here are some examples of speed limiting other than the above...
A Poorly Designed RPC Server
If the site you are connecting to can only transmit data at a speed of 56 Kbps, that's the maximum speed at which you will be able to access the site, even though your cable modem is capable of much faster speeds.
If several people are trying to access that same site at the same time, the total bandwidth available will be divided between the users, and your speed may be further reduced.
Here are a couple of cool links for testing speed of your connection… note it is typical to vary, especially slow down during peak traffic.
It took me about 20 minutes to download one...