Non-surgical cavitation treatment - need to hear your thoughts
Hi all,
I'm in the midst of getting my cavitations treated. One cavitation is at a wisdom site at which a wisdom tooth never grew in. Strange huh? From what I've read most cavitations are caused by improper extraction, trauma or a number of other factors. Well, I have a cavitation where I never had any of those predisposing factors. But, I do have a big cavity/filling on the ajacent molar and I just had an infected
root canal extracted right next to this molar. So, the whole area is a mess. I also have TMJ with clicking, popping; feels as if there are moving around parts in the area. The infected
root canal left a cavitation as well. I feel there is definitely something wrong with this area of my jaw. I don't have pain but there is an extreme feeling of discomfort in the area. I want to cut it out!
Anyway, my ND/Holistic Dentist really feels I don't need surgery at this point. He has had success with treating areas such as mine with injections/laser therapy. The injections consist of ozone, an anti-microbial, an immune modulating pro-biotic and procaine. Then, the laser treatment immediately after the injection cements the remedies into the cavitation site where it goes to work. He's not opposed to surgery and does it when it's necessary but he feels that I'm right on the cusp of being able to avoid surgery. He then suggested I do a lot of work to get the blood flowing to the head, yoga, massage etc..and to take flax oil and CoQ10.
Does anyone else have any experience with this type of treatment? I want to trust my Dr. but from what I've read it seems that nothing short of surgery will fix the problem. I guess time will tell but I'm sorta tired of waiting...been ill for a couple years now.
Any thoughts? Has anyone had success with non-surgical treatment of cavitations?
thanks for your help!