Re: 5 years of Constant fog, fatigue daytime drowsiness and vision problems. Please help!!!
Hi wishmaster.....First of all...ANYONE can have candida or 'internal yeast'. So
being male doesn't let you totally off the hook on that one.
You didn't say what your diet is like ... but it sounds to me like your
Sugar and
carb intake is way too high for your body type. A few of the symptoms you mention
are classic 'sugar' symptoms.....extreme brain fog...blurry vision...low energy...
feeling of fullness in your ears. The puffy watery eyes even scream high
Sugar or
carb intake. And you even said feel close to normal when you do a
juice fast.
So try another juice fast and do it this way...sometime within the next few days...
on a day immediately following a 'bad day' the juice fast again..."IF" you
feel better after or on the juice is absolutely your problem.
Don't let doctors tell you it's 'in your head'...they're used to treating 'symptoms'... like headache, backache, or heart problems...and don't have
a clue what to do when you go to them and say, "I have brain fog, I'm kind of sluggish, I'm tired all day and after eating, I feel worse." :-) That just totally
throws them for a loop...THEY don't know what's wrong...because they really don't
KNOW themselves how important diet is to our well being.
We've had several friends with cancer that were told by their doctors..."just eat
whatever you won't affect the chemo or radiation"....well, it may not
affect the chemo or radiation...but eating RIGHT and doing a few other things for
the persons health 'could' reverse the CANCER....duh!" But most doctors don't KNOW
that OR believe that...unfortunately.
This really sounds like a sugar/high carb problem. After you do the juice fast...
try eating a low carb/medium protein diet for just a few days and see how you feel.
Low carb would be veggies like...spinach, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers,
onions, asparagus,...oh YOU know...if it's not's usually low carb. :-)
And I wouldn't go crazy on the protein...just a little lean beef...skinless chicken
breast...tuna...keep it simple! And if you leave off
Sugar and'll even
lose weight fairly quickly if you're over weight.
Keep us posted...and rest assured it's probably your diet. Some people are just
extra sensitive to sugar and carbs...I happen to be one of them. There's a book
you can probably check out at your's called "Eat Right For Your Blood
Type"....or if you KNOW what your blood type is...and the doctor can tell you...
someone here can tell you what foods are best and worst for you. But the book is
very interesting if you can get your hands on a copy.
If "I" would start the day with toast and jelly and a big glass of day
would be over before it started. Now I'd LIKE to do that...but the exhaustion,
weakness, blurry vision, and brain fog would wipe me out for the whole day after
just that simple snack. But I've learned to adjust my diet to fit my body...and
I have so much energy...even at 60...I can barely keep up with MYSELF. :-)
Ok, CAN turn this around and enjoy good health and
keep us posted. kathryn