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My experience...Re: Someone help me with this "hair detox"
b2reflect Views: 2,510
Published: 18 y
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My experience...Re: Someone help me with this "hair detox"


I did the olive oil detox. I believe it was like 3 days before my hair did not feel or look "oily". I wore a baseball cap to work and had a 'girls night out' scheduled (that I could not get out of...was a 40 BD party)and wore a bandana that night.

I used the olive oil bar soap (Kiss My Face) after that for a several weeks. My hair looked and felt soft and nice. My hair is fine and does not appear to be any thicker or have the feel of it. Although, it shines! Also, I wash my hair every other day, mostly. If I get truck 'gunk' in my hair from work, (am a dock clerk), I will wash it every day, except on off days.

I have begun, a few weeks back, using Aubrey Organic Shampoo and Curetage conditioner. I blow dry my hair a couple times a week (half on hi, or less, and rest on cool/warm setting) and have just started using a mousse on it, like last week....giovanni's...supposed to be natural. What I have read of ingredients, I can SAY the words and not ask what it is. Although, I have only used it like twice.

I do not use anything with SLS, SMS, or any ingredients I cannot SAY or understand what my hair, or on my body.

I liked the way this detox worked. I also like the way my hair looks...although do wish it were thicker but maybe as I clean my diet more.

Hope this helped. Have a joy filled week ahead!



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