At 2.5 months it might pay to get an IgG type-specific blood test for both types 1&2. At this slightly early stage, a negative might not be trusted, but if you come up positive, that would be accurate. It's generally advised to wait at least 12 weeks and preferrably 16 weeks so that the antibodies would have time to develop. Some people test positive much earlier than that, but by that time some 98% of infected people will give an accurate result.
A type-specific culture would be ideal, but that requires a good sample and you don't sound like your symptoms are going to be able to get such a sample which calls for a blister or active (wet) sore.
Has anyone given you antiviral meds like acyclovir(Zovirax), Valtrex or famvir? If you took the meds and your symptoms improved, that would be a clue, too.