Hi guys, I was doing really well almost fully recovered earlier this year until I changed probiotic and took a different one containing 2 strains, lactobacillus acidophillus NCFM and Bifidius Lactis. It is a highly rated product which is apparently very effective for gut adherance but somehow stirred up my original problems and I believe it somehow fed my candida. I have now had a slow and gradual return of my symptoms, including fatigue, swollen glands and poor sleep with night fevers. I only took it for 6 days because I realised it was effecting me and now, about 7 weeks later, it has gradually gotten worse and worse to the point where I have my original symptoms again. It has been as if something has been aggrivating or feeding the candida which I had really gotten on top of and this probiotic is the only thing I have changed. I am worried that the bacteria I put in myself is both growing itself whilst feeding the candida. It seems that this is the only explanation and I am a little worried. Opinions please????????