Gods will bless you-MICKEY bliss-Cauchy3
Gods will bless you….
Sells and buys the tactics lives.
Baits to switches the terms design anew powers are there.
Games with bits direct to nuts and bolts.
Hot in wars direct to shells or nuts.
Boozing boards are all to come.
Multi tasking gets the mono-poly.
Box your times in piles of atoms.
Girls are sure in piles.
Eyes on balls and get your hairs.
Bat you around the bridge tolls.
Stance-nags are bible bangers.,
Rockies get the bigger bertha.
Wear down putting get design with words.
Wear down putting get design with guns.
All are panders get the politic words.
All are good to cards if gods have means to all.
Differ circum-lengths have differ radius.
Differ centers get differ radix.
What the gods to mean is Nova or waters.
Come recruit are paper brands.
Waters brands the stamps on men.
Basilisk breaths the very lives-killing!
Lives are basis morals are radix.
Calculate ritual three to clean as sweeps.’
1) Self-motive! 2) Self to prove, 3) self-reliance are three to clean as sweeps.
Pimp with barrels, pork with barrels, and MICKEY bliss are all to mix as blesses.
Aha gods will bless you-my MICKEY Bliss.
Bertha von SUTTNER and twin AFV’S come from central Europe PANDUR-tanks.
--------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3---------