Re: hi Kelley
Hi jada,
I will send you over some recipes that will keep you motivated on your diet. Give me 'till tonight (my little guy has a t-ball game in 30 min)to get them to you.
Our products are made from the best quality ingredients available, wild crafted, organic, natural. We never stock herbs to save money, which is what a lot of companies do. They buy when the herbs are in season and cheaper and then store them for months which can jepordize the quality.
Your question is a good one! Is there really any such thing as organic these days? We don't like to use the word organic because it imply's something that most of the time doesn't hold true. Yes, you can purchase "wildcrafted" products - meaning they are grown in natural conditions without any interference. You can buy so called "organic" products that are grown where? fields that may have chemicals in them from past takes seven to ten years for the chemicals used in farming to dissipate. I know first hand about organic farmers that used to farm conventionally and they don't plant in organic soils...they plant in the same fields that they used the years before, they don't wait 7 years and have the soils tested. And what about cross pollination? The wind blows and the pollution in the air is everywhere....
Are you following me on this one? I'm not saying that organic doesn't really exsist but I'm just being honest and by pointing out the pollution issues that we have our world are everywhere, there is not a special place that they grow organic crops that are untouched by what has been taking place about the last 100 years .
Yes, it's always best to buy natural foods and products but don't spend too much and always buy local and seasonal to ensure freshness and quality. Local farmers markets are great places to buy and ask questions about the farms. Some you can even visit.
If you look around on our site we have a section dedicated to the pride we take in the hand crafted manufacturing techniques. No heat, or high speed ribbon blenders that strip the nutrients from the herbs. We use cold processing, by hand in small batches. Take a look at this page from our website it will give you more insight to what we are all about.
Keep in touch and let me know if you any questions or concerns while on the cleanse.