Even though this question might sound like a joke, I'm serious and don't know if somebody else has asked about it. But I've been wondering, if a person has the liver full of stones and does the flush, is there a probability that the stone is so big that is hard to pass? I mean, would there be a need to go to a hospital because of the pain and end up having surgery anyway. I've been thinking about this and it worries me. I think of this since, as many may know, vitamin B-6 (if I'm not mistaken) and magnesium help dissolve kidney stones. So I started taking them and after a week my husband had to rush me to the hospital with severe, I mean, severe pain in my right kidney. It was kidney stones, something I've never "suffered" from before (I guess they were there and I didn't know). I stayed in the hospital for a week plus another week at home, in bed, taking percocet, like the doctor said "take it everytime it hurts" since the pain was unbereable. They almost opened me up. But the day after the Dr. told me he might have to do surgery (after two weeks) the stone came out. I have it in a safe place and it's so small I can't believe it caused so much pain. So getting back to the liver cleanse. What would happen if a stone is so big (I know they're sponge-like) that it might not get down. Will a person need surgery to remove it from, wherever it is at that point??