18 y
Re: Gimmicks, by MH
Hi Matt here,
I saw that ad and then clicked on the link to their 'Patent'... shows a grounding pad developed for grounding of vehicles while filling hydrogen fuels for safety against static-shock-discharge-explosion.
You rightly address the issue of potential for unwanted stray charges-- even lightning traveling through a wire to your bed --
You rightly address the waste of money for a pad that does not ground to the flesh/skin.
There is also a very vital issue not addressed as yet--
-- that any wire has a potential for also acting as an antenna and picking up all kinds of stray radio frequencies and thereby severely disrupting the sleep and well being of a person... There is a reason why all video cable wiring is what they call "shielded". There is a braided wire just underneath the outer jacket of the cable that is tied to a ground-- and then a separately jacketed inner copper wire that is totally free of stray static and free of any antenna-like picking up of signals.
This is what should be used for connecting between such a grounding rod on up to the bed.
At no time should you do as they say and either use any length of some unshielded wire, or choose their plan 'B' to connect to the ground plug of house wiring as an alternate ground-- because the house wiring acts as the same kind of antenna you are trying to avoid. There is so much eletromagnetic pollution from not only radio and T.V. stations, but cordless phones, cellphone towers, and now the wi-fi broadband saturation of frequencies sending out the entire internet through most communities so much so that you can simply walk around with a wi-fi capable laptop and get the internet without ever having to even pay for a connection.
The final connection to the person should not be this pad as it is sold-- but can be a 24 carat gold corona wire as used in the copier industry (see below) and is so fine that it is finer than a human hair yet strong enough to be threaded crossways with a needle through bedsheets so as a person could comfortably lay on it and not notice it.
This gold filament can then clip-connected to the inner insulated wire of the above video cabling. It will instantly fry if contacting any sort of lightning in my view-- as it is so fine.
I am about to try the method I describe for InfiniteLove and myself.
I am in a capacity as wearing many types of hats in the work that I do and have done and may be of some assistance to those wishing to clarify these details...