Just loved the 7th flush. I did the Hulda Clark method. I drank nothing but apple juice for the whole day, stopping everything but water at 2pm and then stopped the water at 4:30. I have done my last two flushes on the full moon and really like it. I thought I had gotten a lot of stones out so far, but this was incredible. It really does come in waves like the ocean. Sometimes not a lot and sometimes a whole lot of stones. It was about a half a cup of stones in green and yellow and tan of varying sizes. Some were like sand, some gravel, and some pebbles. During the night at about 2:30 or so I woke up (even with the ornithine) and could feel a dull pain in my gall bladder area. I just felt sick to my stomach. I just breathed into the area and relaxed it a bit and it eased. I must have passed a clump of the stones I saw this morning. I also have really good luck with a heat pad on the liver gallbladder area. It seems the larger flush results do cause some nausea during the night. It is worth it!!! I have not had pain in my gall bladder area since my last flush #6, but as you can see I still had lots more stones. Once a month seems good for me and I will keep doing it on the full moon.