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Parasites outside the GI tract
cora Views: 1,870
Published: 18 y

Parasites outside the GI tract


Can you comment on whether Humaworm might affect those which have had the opportunity to take hold outside the GI tract due to length of time (over 15 years) combined with almost a year of near starvation (probably less than 1,000 calories/week for close to a year)?

I understand that many disciplines (ancient, non-allopathic medicine theories) place the root of all health issues in the intestines. But I believe I am quite a different case in point. I have been told such.

I am a scientific enigma!

For example, what results if any are accomplished (via use of your product) on nematodes which *might* have assumed habitat in the sinus cavity, eustachian tube, and (how I love to reject this possibility, but can no longer) the brain?

In comparison w pharmaceutical treatment (Praziquantal for fluke, Albendazole for roundworms, and Ivermectin) - how do you support superiority of Humaworm, or can you?

My questions are 100% sincere. While I'd prefer to lose the pharms - I am working with two doctors (one MD), one a microbiologist who is also an ND. I've been diagnosed (one of the *not so* lucky ones!!) via blood to slide to scope. I'm loaded: fluke and nems.

(I've got them in a really BAD way.) But I am improving, and I do incorporate various herbs and naturals (several - many in your product). Therefore, I am also always consdering an herbal product which covers all the bases, as yours appears to (according to all I've read w respect to ingredients).

I've seen tremendous improvement since implementing anti-helms of all varieties (including high doses of Lugols, ionic silver, a few ozone products....there is little I have not used with diligence - yet...Still They Ride...)

Or should I pack a suitcase for the cats and put them on Amtrak?



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