** beyond probiotics for candida
Been there, done that, and am glad to be done with that. Took $$$ worth of all sorts of stuff for years. No matter what I took or how much I took, did not help much w/o info on the Moreless site and here RE: alkilizing diet, the detox drink, and the baths.
I had to work so hard for so little!
I now only need such things in the case of unexpected stressors temporarily creating an overly acidic environment, acidic enough long enough for candida to try and re-establish dominance.
This is advancing toward my definition of optimal health: eating and living in a way that benefits myself, other people and creatures, and our planet. IOW, as God intended! For me this includes reducing use of animal products, products produced far from my home, therefore reduction of suppliments and meds.
Also, I really took to heart some of ML's posts reasoning on the benefit of supplying something so universal and basic as the alkalizing agents in generous ammounts and trusting that my body is well made enough by the Great Physician to choose and use what it needs to heal itself. The way that I was using suppliments to micromanage symptoms was unltimately too like mainline medicine in its thinking that it can kill and control things it imperfectly understands. That is pride, hubris, big-headedness, a very dangerous siritual condition, one I wish to avoid.
My spiritual goals include knowing and obeying God. I treasure the Bible as his inspired word, delight in reading it, meditating on it, and sharing what I learn with others. It is to further these spiritual goals that I ardently desire better health and more physical stamina. It is these goals, prayer to achieve them, and practical thinking ability developed by following this spiritual path that have been most important in improving my health over the last 9 years.