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Always an inspiration, here you go onto new adventures...
  Views: 1,664
Published: 18 y
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Always an inspiration, here you go onto new adventures...

Invincible - there from the very first day I entered CureZone. That name has been so apropriately well fitted to you, your messages and your spirit.

It has been quite an honor to have crossed paths with you, and hope to still do so with some regularity. Your messages are always so uplifting and positive, and your intentions so clear, that they carry energy across the words and charge the spirit of the reader with new resolution.

You will be missed, but wherever your spirit is leading you now, may you find peace, joy and renewed awe at what lies ahead.

The brightness of your spirit preceedes and accompanies you, encricling those around you.

Thank you for the energy, thought and significant patience that you generously spent in educating at this, and other forums.

Do count me as a friend always,

MadArt (ist)



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