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Successful flush... again!
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Published: 18 y
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Successful flush... again!

As a person who has done 30+ flushes (maybe even more) but has had trouble getting stones out, I'm always pleasantly surprised when the flush works.

And now it has worked well for me three times in a row, which I haven't experienced in months (I flush every 2 weeks). I think I may have isolated some elements that seem to give me better flushes.

Here's what I have been doing:

1 x 800 mg capsule of malic acid 3 times a day for one week before flush day.

Flush day:

Drink 2 litres (2 quarts) apple juice and any amount of water, but no food. Also, no water after 2 p.m. (I think this is important for me).

Other than that I do the regular HC flush but with lemon juice instead of GF juice, and I also lie on my right side for as long as I can after drinking the OO (Olive-Oil) and lemon juice.

I think these small variations (no water after 2 p.m., lemon instead of grapefruit, and lying on my right side) is what makes the difference for me.

Last flush I did was yesterday and I've gotten quite a few stones out already, and there may be more to come. I was going to do it Sunday but felt a need to do it earlier because of sharp pains under the right side of the ribcage.

Since the last 3 successful flushes my skin has become a lot less oily and that's despite my diet being less strict. In fact, my skin is better than it has been in years. The primary reason I'm flushing is to cure persistant acne, and it really is working.

I will try to flush every 7 days instead of every 14 days, to see if I can achieve results faster. The reason being that I'm relatively symptom free (no pains in the liver area) for about a week after a flush, then it starts again, which should mean that enough stones have moved into position to be flushed out.


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