Gay/Lesbian Marriage & Adoption
The name of this forum is "Gay/Lesbian Marriage & Adoption"
That means that Marriage is not the ONLY subject of debate ... Adoption is a natural follow- up to the Marriage question.
While majority of people may feel it is 100% OK for a couple or Gay guys or a couple of Lesbians to enter a Marriage, the number of people who would 100% support a couple of Gay guys to adopt a baby will be significantly lower ...
What about a marriage of 3 gay guys? Should that be allowed? If yes, why? If not, Why?
What about a marriage of 3 Lesbians? Should that be allowed?
What is your opinion about child adoption and gay couples?
Should it be legal for a Married Gay couple to adopt a child, child that is not biological son or daughter of one of them?
Should it be legal for a Married Gay man to adopt a child, child that IS biological son or daughter of his partner?
What about a Married couple of Lesbians? Should one be allowed to adopt biological kids of her partner?
Should a couple be allowed to adopt other kids (unrelated)?
Should gay people be allowed in military?
There are many questions unresolved in most countries of the world.
White Shark