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Re: to encourage and report 6th cleanse results
It is like a path is lit and you are led in the strangest ways to find the help you need. Like a stranger saying a certain word in a store or a thought that you need to check something out and am not sure where to go but you start a qwest and find curezone. I knew I needed to get cleaned out but sure didn't know there were people like on here with helpful ideas and the experience and actually would take the time to share it. It is indeed a blessing.
I feel like I have hope now and I know the Lord was directing me to look where I did. My whole life is changing.. instead of going backwards, I am now headed in a direction which is healthly...and I am enjoying every minute of it.
My husband is sort fo wondering what is going on with me but as I improve, he is observing the changes with gladness. I had to laugh the other day, he said, after the 10 MC, " Your arms look so healthy, is that suppose to happen too?" I just laughed...
"Yah, [ I'm a Scandinavian ]anything can happen with this new regiment.."
Anyway , thanks everyone and the Lord bless you all.....
Angela, with the healthy arms.....