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Re: 55213 - a question for you or anyone
cora Views: 1,838
Published: 18 y
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Re: 55213 - a question for you or anyone

Call me foolish, but I think I've resigned to taking on any Scio sessions ONLY IF with a practioner who has experience identifying parasites, their stomping grounds per the individual, specifically.

I suspect this will not be hard to find, considering where I am located.

I liked this chick in Orlando, but we have a bit of a language gap on top of a bit of a distance one. I think I'd rather pay more for an experiment with better variables than the 50dollar potluck. As you have sensed, I have curiosity regarding the Scio and no solid theory as to its viability formed as yet. I find it fascinating, but I find a lot of things fascinating. I am almost sold on the concept of the Scio, I just have concern regarding its current technological limitations.

I believe that some people are indeed true "seers". I do not believe each and every palm reader whose door I pass is one.

If you knew exactly what bad stuff was in your body (more or less) and could just as easily make a kinesology appointment, a Rife appointment - is this not accomplishing the same but with the use of more "tangible" and proven sciences?


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