23 y
Re: chronic pain
I have had a similar pain in the upper right shoulder blad area. It feels like someone put a knife in there. As I've progressed through my 17 liver flushes, I've had lots of different experiences.
I remember one time (I think it was around the 3rd flush or so, I had this upper back pain. It hurt all the time. I followed the Dr Clark method, and after drinking the
Epsom Salts at 6:00PM, the pain was gone by 6:20! That particular flush, I got out around 300 stones and 3 were about 1/2" in size. The pain was gone.
It did come and go throughout some of the other flushes (between flushes), but I have not been bothered with it any more (since about the 10th).
Per Southern Belle, you might look at some of the other flushes as well. I've done quite a bit of colonics, and I highly recommend them. You need to make sure that your colon is clear before you start sending other "junk" down the pipe.
Good luck and good health.