Re: Need some help
Yes, do another flush immediately, and for the best results, follow it with an anal
water enema ... to make sure you get all the things out from your colon.
Sometimes, healing of liver must go through a stage that feels like an infection. Every person is different, and only few people actually go through this stage, but you are not the first one.
Experiencing symptoms of pain on the rightside and symptoms of an infection are fairly common, and usually happens after one of the first 10 flushes.
The best medicine is to follow with the next flush, 1 or 2 days later, as those symptoms are a sign of "half done job".
To prevent this kind of experince, it is good to be more physically active, to sweat more, to drink more water (watercure), and to use good
Sea Salt in diet (unrefiend).
Herbal remedies before flush are also an excellent choice!