If you absolutely REFUSE to fear God (and ONLY love Him),...
...all institutional Christians will give you a dirty look (including pastors and scholars), but then again, ALL of humanity could look at scripture and tell you that you are wrong (because it does very clearly say all throughout scripture that God should be feared), yet you dare to be arrogant and thought of as wrong and you insist on only LOVING The Lord instead of claiming that both can be done (well I guess if The Lord had human characteristics, He'd be blushing right about now). Because of your arrogance (strength of heart) and courage to defy all knowledge (Ephesians 3:19, "...surpasses all knowledge,..."), The Lord's spirit will be your new teacher instead of the institutions (if you allow it) and you will learn a deeper understanding for a deeper personal relationship with Him. Your mind, heart, soul and spirit will be in agreement with each other (Ephesians 4:2, "...unity of the spirit") and be integral ("I am who I am" is integral also, "God is ONE", Galatians 3:20). His spirit teaches us to be concerned with our Lord's likes and dislikes (wants, wishes) and regard any "commands" as technicalities, for you now have "bigger fish to fry". Many simply eat of the bread of life, but don't have a wish to drink of the rivers of living waters (John 7:38, "He who believes in me...out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water" (tears of sorrow, mixed with Christ's blood at the cross). As Jesus is our advocate before The Father, we have the option to also be an (ULTIMATELY) advocate for each other and choose not to be so anxious to accuse or convict others of every little "infraction" and violation of "codes" (sin of law) and have more concern to avoid "...sin against heaven..." (Luke 15:18). We can now choose to emulate The Lord (be imitators of Him) and because He is no respecter of persons (personalities), as long we learn from His spirit, we will also not be decieved by anyone's personality, but will now be able to recognize their true NATURE.