Re: A First Timer's Abject Failure
Hi Sarge,
Now, I am not an authority by any means, yet I feel compelled to at least relay some of my experience regarding your Post...
I have never gone on a fast prior to a flush and have done 3 thus far... I eat my normal foods the day/days prior and make sure I eat my last regular meal just prior to 2PM... I to have had "The Runs" with the
Epsom Salts and quite severe... To me, it's part of the process... I've had success in 2 of the 3 flushes Even the 3rd, which was 8-4-02, although "No Stones", I feel things are getting better...
The only help I can give on the throwing up issue is that after my 2nd flush, I had eggs the day after the flush completion day and felt that terrible up chucking feeling, nausea and my body heating up severely... Yes, "Dying" would have been easier... Only for me, the day following this event, I passed a large stone which appeared to have broken up... Keep an eye out for something in the stool for the next few days... I'm sure that those that have far more knowledge than I will send you a followup on your experience... I'll encourage you to give it another go... The results could make life much better...
Junior (also a "Sarge" PD)