Chlorella problems? Think Metal. Get Iodine!
Its been a little over a week with no Lugol’s. Didn’t want another variable involved.
I had a single Sun chlorella tab last night and amazingly enough, didn’t puke my guts out.
Around a year ago I checked into chlorella as a detox agent.
As I’ve worked in the electronics industry for decades I was looking for a heavy metal eliminator.
I found that chlorella is an all purpose “mild” chelator of heavy metals.
Well, it’s mild if you’re not metal poisoned!
(You know, like
Iodine may not be a problem unless you’re really halogen poisoned and then you get to really suffer!)
Which explains (as far as I’m concerned) why a “few” people or “exceptions” can’t handle chlorella or not much of it.
Upon starting Lugol’s I became constipated.
Even at that time I felt this was a very good thing as it was most likely detoxing “something” from the internal linings.
After about two months of Lugol’s I became “regular” once again, that was about two weeks ago.
So I knew it was time for the “experiment” of chlorella.
To let you know, I tried chlorella around a year ago, as people were taking as many as 40 tabs a day (a very expensive proposition) I felt 3 should be fine as a starting place for a “healthy” person as myself.
Ever head the phrase “spewing like a bazooka”?
Talk about sick as a dog. I should be so lucky.
A week later I took a single tab before going into work.
Had to pull off the freeway and spew like Ole Faithful upon which I turned around, went home and went to bed to recover.
Needless to say, I now “knew” I was heavy metal poisoned but “still healthy”.
Not so much worried about it as I knew I would be doing chelation therapy as an anti aging regimen later on.
(Which, thanks to iodine, may not be the case!)
Next week I’ll go for 3 tabs and report back.
Wish me luck!
Got Metal? Get Iodine!