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Re: does anyone use VCO in THEIR ears?
Matchmaker Views: 3,733
Published: 18 y
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Re: does anyone use VCO in THEIR ears?

Your Welcome,

You have to be careful where you put the Wild Oil or Oregano because it will burn, so when you put it on sensitive areas always mix it with coconut oil. When mixed with Shampoo it is okay but it only takes a few drops because it is potent stuff. I also use a drop in my sesame oil when pulling and it works great or I also put a drop in coconut oil and pull with the coconut oil too. I also have experienced like you that the oil of Oregano is good for sore throats and headaches. I had a sore throat last night and I rubbed a drop on my throat and I put a few drops in some warm Sea Salt water and I woke up this morning with no sore throat! Both the coconut oil and the wild Oregano are wonderful gifts from God to us. Match Maker


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