18 y
Re: Scary regulations coming up...
yes, we all need to comment! here's how:
FDA Regulators Using Legal Trickery to Jeopardize Alternative Procedures and
The FDA has been known to use legal maneuvering to try to end your access to natural health products (like vitamins, minerals and herbs) and natural health therapies of all sorts. We believe they are at it again. This time, their ploy is to issue a "Guidance" that implies these therapies can be "Medicine," which
creates the risk that any non-physician who uses them could be held to be practicing medicine without a license. Since these practices could be considered "Medicine" any products intended for such use could be considered untested drugs and could therefore be forbidden.
Your Comments are Vitally Important
Public, professional and industry comments are being accepted by the FDA on the proposal, that we view as a sly maneuver to "capture" alternative procedures and products as "medicine" and then make them illegal. The history of these repressive attacks by the FDA makes it clear that public outcry, IN HUGE NUMBERS, is the only effective tool that natural health supporters have to change this potentially disastrous outcome. Comments will be accepted until April 30. By contacting everyone you can reach to ask for their participation in this comment campaign, we can kill this assault on personal health freedom.
While we do not expect our alternatives to be taken away from us immediately, we know it is easier to stop or change a bad guidance before it is finalized, rather than ever getting it repealed afterwards. FDA has given us an opportunity to let them know we want them to respect our right to choose the type of therapies we want for ourselves, including alternatives to pharmaceutical treatments.
It is important to take a moment to email the manufacturers of the health care products you take an ask them to alert their suppliers and customer base to protect their businesses. Your natural health care providers need to alert their patients and colleagues, too.
Thanks for your activism!
Rima E. Laibow, MD