18 y
Re: OP May Be Killing, Not Pulling.
If you are familiar with physiology, then you are aware that waste material is expelled, on a cellular level, through the walls of the veins (NOT arteries), as well as via plasma, oxygen exchange through the lungs, etc.
Oil breeds bacteria, only very slowly in comparison to high carb foods. Ever smell or ingest rancid oil? Even the refined linseed oil that I use in oil painting can go rancid.
If you choose to ingest the spent oil that you've pulled with, that's strictly your own choice. Personally, I adhere to the OP theory and opt to rid myself of the toxins that I believe are being removed. Some folks don't want to "waste" the expensive "food" that the oil was before it was used for pulling. If that's the case, I would suggest that they use a cheaper cold pressed oil and save the expensive oils for food purposes, only. Personally, I would rather spend $14 every 6 weeks on a jar of coconut oil than another $10 copay at my doctor's office. To me, it's worth the money spent.