Re: don't have time for your lawyer games
Answer me this one question... if the answer is NO, please continue to answer the remaining questions...
Are all of your "precise" "calculated" statements, simply mind games?
V - "I find it to be cheap entertainment and nothing more. Some may take it more seriously than others. :)"
Who is taking it more seriously than others V?
V - "I knew the enemy would find those who aid and abet them."
That statement sounds as if you take it quite seriously, contrary to the one above; either that or more manipulative mind games.
I have a few more questions for you...
1. Just who do you believe to be the enemy?
Please answer that question clearly and specifically as I have had quite enough of ambiguous thoughts (not from just you others make ambiguousness a habit). Without specifics it is just word games and manipulative tactics to me, ten people could easily interpret your statement to be ten different things.
Quite honestly whether knowingly or not, most all of us are actively participating in the exacerbation of the earth's problems right this very moment, simply through the use of the computer we are sitting at. We all most likely participate in many other ways as well through consumption... it is the way of things.
2. once question one is answered, I would like to know who is aiding and abetting the enemy and how.
If the enemy is "us", as I have stated, we are all also guilty of aiding and abetting. In fact, if the enemy is not us, we are all still guilty of aiding and abetting simply by existing and contributing to the economy. You are most certainly aiding and abetting if as you said in a response to C- "exray vision? you seem to have it." you sated V- "It's a gift; works well in the stock and commodities markets too." as you are helping to finance it all. As I said, there are no real innocent parties here...
An enemy only exists because another individual\group gives themselves as a counterforce. When both accept each other as such, conflict ensues with an eventual understanding that one must win and one must lose.
Much more difficult to chose a path of win - win because both parties must agree at minimum to negotiate an amicable resolution. There is another alternative... do not give the "enemy" an object to hit.
I suspect you rather enjoy playing mind games with people not unlike others who have come and stayed or gone from any forum...
You stated in the
Iodine forum V - "Just go about your business as on any other lovely spring day with butterflies and birds and bees buzzing. Maybe take a nap or two."
Good advise... at least it is real. Even if we see behind the curtains, and do believe that there are forces at work leading to the destruction of the population and the viability of all life's current DNA structure as it exists, you also stated;
V - "Ask them to consider that the depleted uranium vapors from the exploding shells fired in the mideast, combined with the barium in the jet chemtrails may be what is causing the bees and birds to die. Ask them to make their guys stop the shooting and spraying just for a few years and see if things get better. Explain to them that they will have no global empire if everyone, including themselves starve to death. Keep it no longer than one page in length, and be as polite as you can about it."
If in fact it is a few families responsible for all of this and not just one big cluster f*** (commitments of invested mistakes one after another) as I tend to believe, perhaps inadvertently funded by these very same entities (and apparently supported by you through investments in the stock and commodities market), the above suggestion is a productive one.
Will it lead to resolution? Will it be in time?
At this point, given that we may have breached or be close to breaching the tipping point, and it does not appear that the forward momentum shows much sign of slowing, does a psyop or two, or an enemy really matter any more?
Is fighting against single individuals worth while? Will it get us anywhere?
You yourself stated; V - "Explain to them that they will have no global empire if everyone, including themselves starve to death."
If "they" (you\me\us) are destroying themselves along with everyone else, what does it matter?