Re: ACV plus Baking Soda... interesting read
Thats excellent. I never knew Baking Soda was so wonderful. And this guy "Ted" has very clearly explained everything. I always dislike, drinking diluted ACV or lemon juice, because it bothers my teeth. When I tried mixing some Baking Soda, it took away the acidity. It was wonderful.
I make my early morning drink by adding lemons+ honey+ BSM. Today I added Baking Soda and it was so much better. Teeth did not bother me. I also add a pinch of sea-salt to this.
Why did u stop using Baking Soda? Ted says u can do this 5 days a week and take 2 days off.
He also explains why Calcium Carbonate should not be cause it can cause kidney stones.... I was really impressed by his thorough answers.
I do Cayenne, but not frequently. Why did u stop Baking Soda? When we mix it with lemon or ACV, we get a balance of sodium and potassium. So it is great combination.....
thanks for your update. I think this is your feedback.
3/17/2007: Kimba (lusciousblack/@/ from Brentwood, NY writes: "I started using Ted's recipe (ACV and baking soda) yesterday afternoon in hopes to get rid of a bad sinus infection I've had for the past couple of weeks. I mixed 1 Tbsp of ACV with 8 oz of water and 1 tsp of baking soda. The heaviness in my head and the sinus congestion went away in minutes! I will continue to take ACV with the baking soda. I will keep everyone updated on my progress".