Plzchuckle's Lemonade Flush - layer 17d
The 24th was my first day since I don't know when of being aware that I didn't even feel my liver!!!!!
Around 9am, I drank my lemonade flush cocktail, upping the liquid cayenne to 50 drops. A bit of heat, but far from unbearable.
I worked a 7 hour shift yesterday with NO problems from flushing.
I've been striving to juice fast for months now, but my liver always starts screaming at me and I stop. I've had nothing but herbal tea, water and juice since 5pm yesterday. My plan today is to continue the fast. This will be a real test if this flush is working for me.
This morning, my bms were loose and there was what I'll bet was old blood. Some of you know about my fall in Dec and that my liver bled for weeks from it. There's been a lump that had gone away near my spine that reappeared after the fall. Yesterday and this morning, there is NO LUMP. Perhaps that was where my injury was.
This morning's cocktail had the whole of the 60 drops of liquid cayenne and it went down without a hitch.
I'll report back on how things go today.