Re: eggs
The egg is a highly concentrated animal protein. It also make an excellent glue.
Egg lecithin will clog your veins, while soybean lecithin will cleanse your veins.
As a child we raised 100 hens every year and sold eggs, as well as ate chicken every week and ate eggs every day.
The fish is easier to eat verses beef/chicken mostly because the fish lives closer to nature, not depending on each meal from the farmer, unless it was farm raised. Regardless, the fish is not much better than any other source of meat. Meat is third hand source of food, while we humans can only utilize first hand FOOD from plants.
The plants have minerals we can use, just like the cow uses. To consume the cow is to consume the waste product of the cows life; the meat/milk has all the toxic accumulated waste the cow was attempting to get rid of.
To drink cows milk is little differant than drinking cows blood, the milk being a method for the cow to expel its waste. The most insane people on earth eat LIVER, the liver of an animal is the most toxic part. Those that eat the organs, stomach, intestines, etc. are getting close to the dog's level of eating. The dog will eat the organs/guts and leave the meat till it rots.
The case of the egg is said to be the worse, it can make the child toxic for 10 days. To say one meat is better than another is of zero value for humans. HUMANS have but one law of Nature, we are 100% designed to consume the fruits of the tree, period. When the church went to becd with the commercial government, they altered the Bible to allow man to eat anything that does not eat him first. ALL of the college/scientist experiements/books written about people living on MEAT and GRAINS was a 100% FRAUD, created by big business interest..The same goes for the lies about the banana, it takes 1000 bananas per day to supply enough potassium, but all commercial paid for scientist will find 1 good thing about a bad product and then the commercial advertisers then create false education via public schools, tv, magazines and finally the food stores just put a product on sale and guide the consumer like a heard of sheep.
It is a 100% waste of time to suggest a human can digest anything but the fruit, to suggest otherwise is like slapping God in the face and God judges us instantly for every piece of food that enters out mouth, every minute of our life on earth. The CHURCH owned Government Lies about Judgement, it states we can do as we please, because God will forgive us of these sins against Nature, yet every sick person proves the church lies. Our body is the temple of God and every fowel thing we put in it, demands JUDGEMENT.........not one person on earth can prove otherwise. The WORM is our PROOF, the art of eating what please invites the worms and the fungus to consume our fowel body and end our education on earth and receive our flunking grade.
Since we are in the end times of this generation, virtualy everything is defiled, evrything is dirty, so people have given up and live life day by day till they can't take another breathe and rely on their MD for a leathal dose of morphine to end their missery.
So the majority says eat what you like and enjoy it as though it was your last meal. This does not make it right, but works for most people. To worry about what you eat can stress you into the box just as fast.