Re: Infrared LED's for Cavitations Treatment
Yes, I had cavitations in my wisdom tooth areas (top left and right)
I would get headaches after exercise, sometimes quite severe and this
was really the only symptom. I treated it with a 904 nm infrared laser.
This is a very strong laser that has 7 diodes and outputs 30 watts
(not mW). Treatment time was 5 minutes on each side of the
face directly over the area. It took about 4-5 treatments to
get complete relief.
I investigated many of these types of devices. I found that
many LED devices were VERY over priced. LEDs are cheap and
not nearly as penetrating as the cold laser (which will go to the bone).
And sometimes the LED devices were sold as lasers, which they
are not.
The device I bought was not cheap (around $2,000). You might be able to
find something cheaper. Just make sure and get a laser and not just
Good luck.