Re: herbs/vitamins, by MH
The FDA, MANY, MANY, MANY year ago started a list.........When I first got a computer I looked up the fda and had no problem seeing every human in the USA that has imported or exported a HERBAl Product, thanks to the rules of declaration of sending packages in and out of country.
In this same section was a list of all the MDs that had been BUSTED, their licenses yanked and in some cases jailed and as well as a visit paid to their patients in an effort to harress and confiscate the products that MD sold them.
The farmer loves to "track" his stock. WHY? I have no clue, it is stupid, people don't live long enough to worry about what they are consuming for their health, but they do. Why should they care what we consume!!! When we are about to die, we crawl to the MD and accept the doctors drugs anyway, so why bother????????????????
Only a mad farmer wants such records, such control.........20 years ago the fda/ftc was quick to slam businesses promoting the so today, now they are much slower. My theory is since 1992 and the use of titanium dioxides in the human food chain, that aids in the destruction of the thyroid as plan by the farmer, the farmer's thugs have ezed up, the chem trail program is working as predicted, people are taking record amounts of drugs, the drug thugs are happy.
BUT, the UN/WHO wants on their rations, 100% under their control. Consider the chicken farmer, he locks his chickens in small pens, feeds them to reach maximum production and the day that chicken does not produce 100%, he is gassed and turned back into soil................are we common stock any differant than a chicken to the mega farmer? Why would we be, once you have killed your first million people, how could your attitude be any differant than 100% control.
Their water
Their feed
Their air
If people would only slow down enough to realize the paths they are taking, they would see they are in a pen; but, to those with a little "nature" education, we can dig a hole out back under the fence and still obey God in peace. We can "show" the farmer that we are good little stock in the daylight, but under ground, we can eat right, avoid the toxins and Live Well.
The theme of the new web sight is LIVING WELL, I hope to mak new additions every day until its finished.