Asana/Finding A Perfect Seat & Sitting
Presently to sit for 30 minutes to get the mind to stop for even 3 seconds is an accomplishment at this point. Past is not important. Now the practice of sitting.
Satan is a carnivore pacing to and fro and approaches with stealth as we sit in our space or under either of our choices the divine tree of life or tree of knowledge of judging good and evil..The moment we look at the tree of life with judgement it transforms.
When we look at eye level we see the sprouts coming from the trunk and perhaps some blossoming a bit higher. We have PASSION for these sensory things in life because we see some greeness and color. This greeness and color does not last long as with impermanence the sprouts and blossoms presently fall off. If we look down at the pervasive root system we find ourselves enmeshed in matter and even follow it's structure down further into dense material planes through a hole or deep chasm. The roots will stretch down deep into matter and bind us with IGNORANCE, the fruits of which are inertia because we cannot fully know the true form. Now arise from the chasm and sit beneath the tree.
Now stand. Look up past the sprouts with their illusion and impermanence up top to the branches and boughs. The wise rise up here and with DISPASSION and DISCRIMINATION drop the lower natures of sensory things, passions, ignorance and inertia and seek to attain to that of the wise.
The branches are not the end however, the seem to be from the ground. The tree of life, however has it's origin above and until we get to the higher branches we cannot see this at all with any perspective.
Again sit close the eyes as you do the veil is removed and Observe Satan revealed in true form, with eyes open he appears as an angel of light in our minds telling us to judge good and evil and we do not realize this traps us. With eyes wide shut we see his true form. He is looking to rip into the flesh of our backside. So, sit and be still and do not offer the sacrifice of your flesh in the form of thoughts, this is that which carries the decaying aroma of the flesh of which he is attracted to.
For being in subtle form not quite spirit and not quite matter this carnivore runs away as he cannot dwell in the secret place, yet he returns again as soon as the flesh becomes rancid again with thoughts. Returning to the secret place strengthens our ability to hold off the ravenous carnivore for longer and longer periods, until that day arises, wherein we rise up above the place where he may reach us.
The day only arises when the nature of self is set upon high (if you have eyes to see) or even perched atop on the higher branches (if you have wings to fly) here/hear the wisdom. Find a perfect seat and with eyes wide shut fix your gaze on the heavens focused as a pinpoint of light as if at the bottom of a deep hole you will be given great wings from living in PURITY of mind, this being far above those dwelling from PASSION by sensing only the green sprouts at eye level and even farther above those who look down at the roots of inertia of which we do not even know the form.
Those who stay perched on the top branches have the perspective to see out of the dark hole they or others may have perceived them to have formerly been seated in, and may see into the land of the living. The eagle will come and take them with great wings to their proper abode.