Not to go off topic too much, but I just read this about Candida...thought I'd just throw it out there...
Also at Georgetown University, a landmark study was completed using oil of oregano against a common fungus which infects humans: Candida albicans. Candida is a difficult to kill fungus that causes vast health problems. The OREGANO Oil killed all of the Candida in the petri dish, even in a tiny concentration---in other words, it only took a small amount of oregano oil to kill the fungus. The Georgetown University researchers concluded that oil of oregano is the most powerful natural fungus killer they have ever tested.
I had copied it, and I can't remember where I got it. I had been searching for "oregano oil and inflammation" so it was somewhere in the vast amount of sites I uncovered....
I believe that Barefoot (the Barefoot Herbalist forum) makes his own, and I hear it is powerful.