Re: cancer in leg..(Edited by kathryn on urine therapy forum)
To heal the body of cancer your sister would need to treat the whole body. Diet...
deep breathing...sunshine...exercise if she can (since it's her leg)...but mostly
with diet and nutrition.
There's a website that I absolutely promote and support and have no real connection
with...but I have studied all their books and videos, etc extensively over the years. If you'd like to check it out and read testimonials, etc...go to
They're located in the United States and Canada and teach people how to treat their
cancers, etc with diet and nutrition and life style change. They'll also send you
their free magazines that come out every 2 months. Just go to their website and
look it over....tons of great info there....but you also need to find out what
kind of cancer the doctor says your sister has. Never be afraid to ask the doctors
lots of questions...remember they work for YOU and if you're not satisfied with
their can let them go and find a better doctor.
Good luck to you and your sister...and I hope you'll check out the website above...
it has tons of priceless information on there.
If your sister is into natural healing...and will try to heal her own body..find
out what kind of cancer she has and come back here and tell us. kathryn