Re: MH's Gold Archived Posts!
The old mds state the heart can pump blood about 3 feet, we have about 20,000 miles of circulation and that point where the arterie jumps to the vein? That system is so small, it can't be seen by a microscope, because the blood turns into a gas, so it can cross over. YET, all your blood travels through your thyroid every 12 or so minutes............can the heart do all of this????
What is the heart?
Its the most indestructable muscle in the body, this makes it a prime organ for parasites, etc.
The heart simply is a VALVE, a very smart VALVE.
The LUNGS are the BELLOWS and within the lungs the tissues are as thin as a soap bubble and how a human could ever delibertly inhale smoke into their lungs was always beyond me, they all wanted to commit suicide.
So the LUNGS are the great pump. A simple demo. Those with pace makers will have heart movement after the body is dead, the doctor has to rip the pace maker out, along with is tracking chip. The heart can pump all it wants, but the blood isn't moving through the dead body, because the lungs have stopped.
So does the lungs do all of this amazing work? NO, they are a simple pump and just like the heart, if they don't work, we don't have air and with no air, we have no spirit.
This brings up a delicate subject: SPIRIT
More than one old author states that the baby has no spirit until that FIRST BREATHE of air; I have never beleieved this and still don't, but even the one that went by the name Brother Branham stated that the baby has no spirit until thefirst breathe is taken. The same type authors state that the spirits all flow in the air we breathe..........
Anyway, our blood would not get very far with just heart and lungs, it could never turn to gas and back to liquid over and over every minute of our lives with out one thing:
It is our muscles and once we loose our muscle tone, we are asking for certain death.
This is WHY, the great authors tell you to MOVE!, "IF" your not moving, then your nerve force is dieing and you will die from the lack of circulation, it is that simple. Once your down to bed with no hope of moving again, you are same as dead and defieing nature if your medically kept alive with machines/drugs. Your going to rot from the lck of proper circulation one way or another, Nature is never cheated.
I am experiencing this right now with my leg/foot:
NO artery or vein was cut, I never lost the first drop of blood; but my leg was smashed from the knee down to my toes. This damaged allot of muscle. A few bones may have broken or cracked, etc, but it is the muscle damage that causes the real damage.
After almost 3 weeks, my left foot still swells and turns purple. My bones feel like they have all healed, their not the problem. The problem is, I don't have the nerve force to maintain proper circulation between the arteries and the veins, the heart/lungs can put the blood in its proper place, but my muscles are hurt and can't do the proper job, so as we all know, when we hurt something, we have to keep the hurt spot kept higher than our lungs/heart, otherwise the blood will swell the skin up and make it turn numb/purple and in real bad cases, the skin can rupture.
This is also why fat people prematurely die.
Same for those that loose their muscle tone, we die from not being ablet o circulate our blood.
My foot/leg feels better every day, the trillions upon trillions of muscle cells have been dissolved away as new ones have been built and when the muscles all get properly organized, I will hopefully have 100% blood circulation once again. Clearly my heart and lungs were not hurt, but instantly I loss blood circulation when my muscles were smashed.
Think of these poor souls in the old folks homes that are bed bound, is it no wonder they get bed sores, every day they loose the very muscles that keep the alive.
Our body's adapt to every situation:
My right leg can almost balance my body weight now, the skelliton and muscles adapt to damage, so when my leg is well enough to stand on, then my body will have to re-adapt back to what I knew as normal before the accident.
"IF" I had been damaged to the point I would have had to seen a surgeon to save my life, etc. and this means I went under surgery. That surgery would have alterted my muscles most likely for the rest of my life and if metal had been put in my bones, the body would have struggled with that metal for ever! Only the body can put humpty dumpty back together again, the knife/surgery can never do what Nature does, but when injured beyond what we can handle on our own, that surgeon can extend a person's life.