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Re: lobelia for epilepsy
valtani Views: 3,326
Published: 18 y
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Re: lobelia for epilepsy

My cousin started to have epileptic seizures as a toddler. He lived in the country side and did not consume soda or processed foods early in life, so in his case this was not the cause. He was vaccinated and so were his other 5 siblings, none of whom is epileptic. There is absolutely no history of epilepsy in my family so he is an exception. What caused his condition? It is a mystery to doctors. The interesting thing is that once he started to smoke marihuana during his teen years the seizures stopped for good, so he continues to smoke regularly as of today.

Since marihuana is a depressant of the nervous system, my guess is that the epileptic seizures were a result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. The cause? I think it started in the womb during fetal development and was triggered by vaccines. For him the only herb that got rid of those horrible seizures was marihuana.


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