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Re: Cancer treatment for an 85 yo man
Tony Isaacs Views: 2,891
Published: 18 y
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Re: Cancer treatment for an 85 yo man

You're never too old to beat cancer and illness and never say never!

First of all, I do not think that there is any magic bullet for cancer despite many claims to the contrary.  I do think that the worst thing one can do is to rely on the cut, burn and poison methods of modern medicine that merely treat the symptom of the underlying problems that led to the cancer defeating the immune system and gaining a foothold.

Essaic, Gerson, B-17 . . . they all have many proponents.  But they also have many failures as well and, in the instance of Essaic, I think it makes for a wonderful story and is effective for de-toxing, but, as my good friend Webster Kehr (the Cancer Tutor) says, that is all he would rely on it to do and would never recommend it as a sole protocol for beating cancer.

I heard of Hariton Alivizatos or the clinic that is supposed to have his "cure" for cancer.  I suppose that makes me unqualified to comment on it, and while I am not doubting that Alivisatos may have had an effective treatment, I have to question the ethics of a clinic that is supposed to be sitting on a "cure" for cancer, yet will not reveal anything about it unless  you ask!

I have spent many years and thousands of hours researching cancer and alternative health.  I am not even close to claiming that I know it all.  There are over 300 alternate cancer therapies out there, and many of them have glowing testimonials, impressive claims and staunch proponents.  But I have certainly found no single cure, despite finding some very, very good cancer-fighters and immune boosters, and everything I have found leads me to believe that a multi-element approach is the best one.

In order to devise such an approach, first we should look at what we know to be true about cancer.

We know that:

    * The development of cancer indicates that our natural first line of defense, our immune system and that the presence of either toxins and pathenogens, or some imbalance in our bodies have enabled cancer to gain an upper hand.
    * Cancer cannot develop without an impaired liver.
    * Cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment, nor can it survive in a highly oxygenated environment.
    * Detoxing and cleansing our colons and liver helps restore balance, prepares our bodies to better be able utilize good nutrition, natural immune boosters and cancer fighters and paves the way to rebuilding our livers and immune systems.
    * Cancer cells are deseased, impaired and/or beset by pathogens and have lost the ability to to be shut off by the body in what is called cellular apoptosis. These cancerous cells simply become abnormal and outlive the other cells in their normal cell life/replacement cycle and end up crowding out a territory over time.
    * Iodine, vitamin D, and potassium are all vital ingredients that have been proven to help beat and ward off cancer.
    * Fresh air, pure water and sunshine are vital to healthy bodies that can fight off and beat conditions like cancer.
    * A natural diet of uncontaminated raw vegetables and raw fruits, with plenty of omega-3’s and balanced nutrition has been proven to be effective in numerous natural anti-cancer protocols.
    * A great number of natural botanicals and supplements, such as those containing beta glucans and other long-chain polysacharrides, the oleander remedy I wrote a book and articles about, Colloidal Silver, Inositol (IP-6) and many others have been proven to boost the immune system, destroy pathogens, protect our cells, and beat cancer.
    * Sugar feeds cancer.

And so, when we go to an oncologist and are diagnosed with cancer what is the prescribed treatment?  Does it incorporate ANY of the above elements? No, sadly it does not.  Our doctor prescribes what he or she has been taught: cut out, radiate or poison the symptom and do nothing to address the underlying causes and natural imbalances that enabled led to the symptom.

As a result, the way is paved for the return of the cancer or the introduction of another cancer or serious condition.  Even worse, the road to further illness is often made easier due to the damage to the immune system and major organs caused by the treatment of the symptom.

What I propose, is a protocol that addresses what we know about cancer and what has been proven to work.  Here, in abbreviated form is what I think most of the major elements of such a protocol:

1.         As soon as possible, cleanse your body to get rid of built up toxins like heavy metals and pesticides, as well as the undigested food, fecal matter and gallstones that build up in the body by cleansing your colon and liver and by chelation to rid the body of heavy metals.  Such contaminations are breeding grounds for, and causes of, disease and illness.  A toxic and unclean body weakens the body's immune system that should be your first line of defense.  Plus, once cleansed, the body is much more receptive to the good measures you take to rebuild your immune system and fight disease.

2.        Cleanse your environment to the greatest extent possible and eliminate bad habits.  In an ideal world, you would move to the country where there was plenty of fresh air and sunshine and less stress.  In the real world you may not find that possible, so eliminate common toxins in your household, workplace and other places you spend time. (to be expanded).  Immediately eliminate bad habits and begin building build good ones so that you will make sure that you no longer have habits that weaken your immune system and that you will be able to build your body to fight and conquer illness.   A sedentary lifestyle with a poor diet, lack of  pure water, sunshine and fresh air, and constant exposure to toxins will in time lead to bad health conditions.  Remember, a bad health habit is like an invitation card for illness and disease to enter your body.

3.         Begin and maintain a healthy immune-boosting and cancer fighting diet.  A good balanced diet, pure water, fresh air, sunshine and exercise are some of the essentials.  You will find that a good diet does not have to be a bad tasting diet – far from it!  However, it should be noted that the very best and most healthy diet is one that is close to the diet our ancestors evolved to utilize:  lots of fresh and uncooked vegetables, fruits, nuts, roots and tubors, and fish and meat uncontaminated by growth hormones, artificial fertilizers or pesticides – and little or no grain or dairy products.  It should be noted that of all the foods, essentially only raw vegetables and fruits contribute to an alkaline pH.

4.         Rebuild and strengthen the body's natural immune system.  It is very likely that a weakened immune system contributed to your illness in the first place.  It is absolutely certain that a rebuilt and strengthened immune system will help you beat your illness and keep it at bay.  Again, good diet, nutrition and habits are all important – they lay the foundation for a strong and healthy immune system.  However, they are not enough by themselves.  You want to build a good foundation and then make your body a healthy fortress against disease and illness.  Quite simply, disease and illness hate healthy hosts.  The stronger your immune system is, the harder it is for disease to survive and grow.   And, to be the very strongest you can be, you need extra measures in the form of supplements as well as the healthiest foods.  There are a number of very good ones - and I have listed what I believe are the very best here in this article, along with some of the healthiest foods.

5.         Cleanse, restore and protect the liver before, during and after your anti-cancer and disease battle.  Cancer cannot develop unless the liver is impaired to begin with.  Plus, an effective cancer fighting regimen will result in the release of a cascade of toxins that are released when cancer cells die.  Such a release can overwhelm an already impaired liver and can even be fatal if measures are not taken to protect and regenerate the liver. 

6.          Maintain an alkaline pH and get plenty of oxygen to the cellular level.  Cancer cannot survive in the presence of an alkaline cellular pH level, nor can it survive in the presence of highly oxygenated cells. Dr. Johanna Budwig of Germany has shown that for proper cellular utilization of oxygen to take place, our diets must contain adequate amounts of unsaturated fatty acids.  Paradoxically enough, anti-oxidants also help restore proper oxygen levels.

7.          Make sure you have plenty of iodine, potassium and Vitamin D.  All have been proven to be essential in beating and avoiding cancer. (More to be added here, citing Gerson and others).  In particular, iodine has been proven to penetrate the cancer cells, do away with the surrounding cyst where cancer has set up residence and then enable the resumption of normal apoptosis, or shut down and die off, of the abnormal cancer cells to make room for normal cells.

8.         Drink plenty of pure water and get plenty of fresh air and sunshine.  Water is essential for all healthy life; however, regular tap water contains trace amounts of hundreds to thousands of pesticides, carcinogens and other industrial pollutants.  For that reason, the author recommends only the purest drinking water, such as reverse osmosis filtered water.  Don't overdo the sunshine, but sunshine is essential to the production of vitamin D, and, strange as it may sound, has been found to be essential in warding off melanoma as well as other cancers..

9.         Exercise in moderation.   Regular exercise does not have to be grueling, but it is essential. Exercise stimulates the immune system, stimulates the production of natural human growth hormone several times more than the best HGH supplements and stimulators (almost all of which are entirely bogus), stimulates the production of hormones and pheromones that make us happier and healthier, and simply leads to a longer and happier life period.  It is not a coincidence that studies have shown up that those who exercise only a few hours each week have up to 50% less chance of developing many different kinds of cancer.

10.         The next element of beating your disease and keeping it at bay is to go on the attack.  As a matter of fact, all of the elements of the anti-cancer and disease protocol are elements of attack, because they make the body strong and inhospitable to disease.   But what I am talking about here is more than just making the body inhospitable to your disease – I am talking about going on the attack and wiping it out!  In the case of cancer, there are many very potent anti-cancer supplements.  Some of the best ones play a dual role of both strengthening the immune system and attacking cancer cells, and I have listed many of what I believe are the very best ones here in this section.  Several other excellent ones are listed in my book "Cancer's Natural Enemy", my document "A Guide for Living a Long and Healthy Life" and an upcoming book by a similar name ("How to Live a Long and Healthy Life").

11.         Avoid sugar to the greatest extent possible.  Sugar feeds cancer and other illnesses and causes a myriad of other health problems.  Refined sugar is also the number one single cause of health problems in the entire world!

12.        The final key to winning your battle is your mental attitude.  Remove as much stress from your life as you can and believe that you are going to win.  Stress and worry accomplish nothing – worse, they are actually allies of illness and disease.  You have surely heard the term “stress, the silent killer”?  It’s true!  So you must do whatever it takes to remove stress from your life and make your mental attitude your ally.  Meditate, take yoga, change jobs, retire, go fishing, find a pleasant hobby – do whatever you must to remove stress and have a positive mental outlook.   Just remember, anyone who introduces or keeps worry and stress in your life is neither a friend nor an ally during this fight.  And make no mistake, it is a fight - likely the biggest one of your life.   But it is a fight you can and will win.  Think it, believe it and live it!

As a related note:  My 84 year old uncle was diagnosed with lung cancer and was assured by his oncologist that radiation pellets would be just the thing to beat his cancer.  Instead, his cancer continued to grow and spread.  He switched to the patented oleander medicine Anvirzel, also made his own home version known as "oleander soup", and incorporated many of the elements mentioned in the above suggested protocol.  His latest cat scan indicated the tumor in his lung is continuing to shrink and no evidence at all of cancer in the rest of his body.

The person who examined the patent for Anvirzel and devised the home version, "oleander soup", used it successfully on his 84 year old mother for lung and liver cancer, as well as on his sister for Hepatitis-C.  And the patent holder for the oleander based supplement from South Africa called OPC has used the supplement for 80 cancer patients of varying ages and stages of cancer.  Only 5 people who were in their very final days and unable to hold down the oral supplement and another 3 who succumbed to organ failure as a result of prior chemo did not make it.  The other 72 are all alive and well and either cancer free or with cancers in remission and tumors shrinking.

Now, that is a very strong endorsement of oleander, of which I am one of the very strongest proponents ( I wrote a book primarily about oleander and I moderate a health group primarily about it).  But I want to be perfectly clear here that even though I am amazed by oleander and it is the best cancer fighter and immune booster that I have found,  I nevertheless DO NOT recommend it or anything else to be used as a single therapy for cancer.  There are many elements and characteristics that lead to cancer and many elements that have been proven to be effective.  The more of these we address, the greater our chances of success.

Live long, live healthy, live happy!

Tony Isaacs


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