Liquid Zeolite and Cancer
Key Benefits of using Liquid Zeolite
Supports a healthy immune system.
Helps remove heavy metals, toxins and other substances from the body.
Helps balance pH levels in the body.
100 percent natural and non-toxic.
Safe for long-term use.
1. How was it discovered?
Forty years ago a young doctor in Ohio promised his best friend who was dying of
Breast Cancer that he would find a drug to eradicate cancer so no one would have to suffer as she did.
For the last 40 years the doctor worked to keep his promise. He finally developed a natural product that “detoxifies” the body from harmful toxins, heavy metals, and even carcinogens.
This development resulted in his being granted a US Patent on this product 4 years ago. It could be brought to market as a nutritional supplement to begin helping millions of people immediately.
2. How did a patent get issued on this if it is a natural product?
The patent is on the method and composition of this ingredient with respect to epithelial cell cancer.
For years, civilizations have used zeolites to promote overall health and well-being. A specific natural zeolite is "activated" through a special scientific process which we refer to as “Zeolite Technology”.
The patent is on the "activated" zeolite and its use in treating epithelial cell cancers as supported by the clinicals and trials in the patent. 7/13/2005
3. The patent is titled “Epithelial cell cancer drug”; what are “epithelial cells”?
Epithelial cells are skin tissues that cover and line the body.
They cover all the body’s organs (such as throat, lung, heart, kidneys, liver, colon and skin) and line the body’s cavities (including the inside of the chest and abdominal cavity).
In addition, the patent states that this product can be particularly useful against other cancers including melanomas. Cancers of the epithelial cells are called “carcinomas” and make up about 85% to 95% of all cancers.