Re: CS & cancer
I read on fasting and dogs - the problem with it is that the detox is too quick, often leading to fatality due to kidney and liver failure. As Lucky's metabolism is REALLY high I am worried about that.
She's on the following regiment:
- once a week Acemannan injected by the vet
- Aloe Vera Injections (obtained in Germany)
- Immpower (an extract made from hybridized mushrooms from Japan)
- Vitamin C
- Solid Gold Sea Meal (for lots of vitamins, minerals and nutrients)
- Flax Oil
- Fish Oil
- Grapefruit Seed Extra
- Causticum Compositum (a vet in Germany recommended this)
- urine therapy, injected into the tumors which I know of
Her immune system is through the roof. She's almost five years old and we got the diagnosis a month ago, saying that she would probably only live another couple of months. She is much better now than she was a month ago. The vet agreed to the Acemannan after I gave him the details on who produces it. He's thankfully very open to new ideas and concepts, eventhough he is a conventional vet.
These things all work in sync and Lucky is really to precancer happiness and energy.
I am checking further options including CS.
Oh, and I make all her food myself anyway, have done so since I got her a bit over four years ago.