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Completed week 1
IndianaJones Views: 2,621
Published: 18 y

Completed week 1

So I have completed week 1, was feeling pretty cocky for the first 4 days cause I felt ok very minor die off effects and thought this would be a breeze, but the last two days I have had a headache from hell. 24 hours nonstop. I am also experiencing itching on several parts of my body and little itchy bumps in a couple places, also tired, took several naps yesterday, muscle pain all over, itchy eyes, itchy ears. I do get pretty through BMs every morning. My general feeling so far...It must be working, my doctor tells me that if you are not getting the die off then you are not healing, and I am getting a die off so I must be healing. I also need to note that I am taking 25mg of diflucan for candida, which I do not get alot of die off from when taken without the HW.


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