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Fan-friggin-TASTIC. n/m
cora Views: 3,057
Published: 18 y
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Fan-friggin-TASTIC. n/m

I'm beginning to believe Iodine induces extrasensory perception per all the terrific posts today - this one taking the cake, and the OLD GOLD from Uny per Wom (repost?) taking home the Emmy for clairvoyance as well. Maybe it's just My Day.

And the book ref. A pot o' gold.

Here's the clincher for me:

Three months or so ago, after pining over this unrelenting out of nowhere voice in my head "get magnetized somehow" I decided to get my hands on some silly magnets from Office Max. About a week later I purchased (at a hf store) this "bioenergy disk" - not realizing it was a magnet - not exactly. (It just "called" to me, which seems to happen a lot lately.)

I was no frequent flyer on CZ at that point in time, not even an amatuer or virgin - Hanna Kroeger was unknown to me. Dumb and (almost) blind. The disc's graphics included a phone number and the supplier - Hanna's Herb Shop. Wanting to see more product, went to the site:

Within the same week I'm now finding myself on CZ stealth-style....then, of course, comes the Low and Behold.

The rest is history...(in the making).

I am deeply touched by the selfless acts of wisdom driven guidance today (Uny), and knocked out by the unmistakable synergy exhibited within this forum.

I've fallen in love. With people I will never meet.

Ya'll got it goin' on. Bless This House.



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