1) You probably didn't get dis-eased overnight - so please do not think you can get healthy overnight. Don't know what "long term" means to you. I was permanently disabled because of growing bone spurs and it took 24 months to get back to reasonable health. But then again, the allopathic community gave up on me.
2) The EPFX has capability of printing out results. However, many practitioners do not because of fear that someone could prosdecute them for "practicing medicine without a license" since Dr. Bill Nelson uses many medical terms. Plan to take notes and don't push your practitioner too hard - they're there to faciltitate your healing path.
3) The leading cause of infertility is???? STRESS The EPFX helps with this issue. So honor your practitioner and name your newborn after them.
The EPFX works - I'm living proof and many of the people that we've helped heal themselves are also around to endorse its abilties.