Plzchuckle, I know you're not a doctor.. I just wanted your advice because I know you're more knowledgeable than me on it. :)
Neither product has a kidney cleanse to go with it. I asked Humaworm already about combining Oxy+Humaworm and he said it was fine.
I'm still confused about the lymph cleansing thing. Now you're saying I can do it WITH humaworm and Oxy? I thought before you said to start over from step one.. er unless I misunderstood. Starting over made the most sense to me anyway. I'll ask Humaworm and see if he recommends any herbs to go with it for kidney and lymph. What did you do for lymph cleansing anyway ?
I don't really have any liver problems. I've done about 15 flushes. Most of my problems are more lymph related lol.