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Laphroaig Anyone?
molly bloom Views: 1,488
Published: 18 y

Laphroaig Anyone?

I hope this isn't cheesy, but I'm sitting here sipping my Laphroaig and wondering if I'm drinking alone?

God I had a rough week. I upped my doseage of Iodoral to 37.5 mg (three tabs a day), and I felt really tired this week (actually almost 2 weeks). I thought I looked good. Slapped on the makeup, smiled my OP smile, and left the house feeling really good. All day people look really tired. Damn, I hate that. It's like a hex or something. By the end of today, I FELT really tired. But in actuality, I really have felt tired since I upped my doseage.

Yes I'm doing everything, tons of salt water, Seleium, and Vit C....

Quite frankly I started worrying that I'm not doing enough. I've had some decent results in breast material on just one tab for a month, and then better on two. How long will I feel tired on three, or is that my sign to go back to two? Hell I don't have enough makeup to make me look perky, damn it. (Not that I care what my office mates think of me anyway).

I am liberally painting at night too. I have fibroids, and have been focusing on that area (belly button and surrounding area). How much is that really adding to the whole dosing thing? What do you think?

So I'm sitting here drinking my scotch, sitting on my fence, don't know which way to go.



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