That Gutsy Lady
I now think of it in terms of displacement.
Originally I added both salt and a little ES to the
Lugol's drink.
Yeah, I'm lazy!
Sigh, then did more homework....
What may happen however is competition between the salts on who will be absorbed within the lining (think of the iodines as "salt" as well).
Sea Salt may load into the cell first and prevent
Iodine loading within that cell.
There's also the possibility that
Sea Salt s may even dislodge or "displace" an already loaded
Iodine salt.
Not a good thing.
You want the
Iodine "salts" absorbed.
Therefore take the iodine by itself to maximize it's abosorption.
Our Receptionist, who was limited to one drop of
Lugol's due to detox kicking her butt.
Is now taking 20 drops of Lugol's.
She preloads the
Sea Salt and water two hours prior to the Lugol's.
Lugol's goes down prior to bedtime.
She does have "minor" detox symptoms in the morning.
Which she easily takes care of with more salt water.
Gutsy Lady!