This is the before pic on the left, when I used to use nothing, ever. I still picked at that spot & bit it. The one on the right is a more up to date, the total bad area has enlarged a little. That was due to creams & crap I would put on my lips. You can still see the difference. The arrow is the spot that I had healed just leaving it alone, trimming everything but not pulling the skin off that wasnt hanging loosley at all. My bottom lip was fine in the before pic. I bit & peeled it off to take my mind off the top. Dur. i had know idea at that time what I in for. I thought it would grow back smooth and soft. Thats why I had should have gone to a dermotoligist in the first place. I would have only had that small circle to deal with, tuck my lip in a little, wouldnt even notice it.