Mineral waters often help with skin fungus. As you mentioned salty water dries the skin and makes environment inhospitable for fungus growth. Not sure about the longer term results though, when skin recovers oils and moisture.
Mineral waters and clays rich in sulfur (rotten egg smell) tend to be quite effective for skin problems. Sulfur has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Found in natural material it is more effective then synthetic product. Classic curative spas in central Europe often treat skin problems with sulfuric baths or muds.
(Shameless plug-in): Our firm (www.torfspa.com) sells a natural sulfuric clay called Saprox (www.saprox.com) to many naturopathic physicians. They have been quite successful in treatment of Tineas, such as Ringworm with it.
I’d still try the swim, if not too inconvenient. I love truly natural cures :-).