Re: Quackbuster Attorney "Suffers the Consequences"...
You have to be a British Citizen for Knighthood and
Sainthood is a long process. I would not expect you to know this.
Hate to tell you but many doctors, lawyers, architects and other professional fail their exam boards. It is why they have the opportunity to take them again. It does not excuse the idiot Bolen's lie that he constantly repeats. Expert testimony is not practicing medicine, so in this like in everything about Clark and Bolen you are wrong.
Barrett is not my hero, but when you compare to the putrid scum of Clark and Bolen, then he comes up smelling like a rose. If you were to compare him with a reputable AltMed guru then it may be another story.
Clark is a moron an has never provided proof of anyone that has ever been healed of cancer, aids or any serious disease because of her treatments. Her own brother died of cancer even though he was being treated by her. In the spectrum of Clark, Bolen and Barrett, he stands way above the scum of the first two. You may not like him as a person, but he does not make money out of selling false hope to desperate victims. He does not use a galvanometer as a diagnostic tool to test for AIDS and cancer and he does not tell people an electric shock will cure them of it and charge them thru the nose.