I am a 34 year old female who has been suffering with chronic diarreah for the last 11 years. My mother also has it and she is now 62 and has had it over 20 years. She and I both have had colonoscopy's and endoscopy's and on both of us they found nothing. We also have had the stool samples tested for parasites, Celiac and food allergy and they have come up with nothing. My dr prescribed Lipram and it doesnt do anything. I can have a bout of it from once a day up to 5 times per day. At least once a week I am awoken at night from having the urgency to use the bathroom. When I eat food it tends to go right through me literally. I usually end up running to the bathroom within 15 mins after eating. I notice this occurs more with dinner a lot but not enough to make this a solid connection. I am afraid to eat sometimes. People dont understand why I dont want to have meals at their house. I want to be home in my own bathroom. I have been told that I should be happy I dont have Crohns or UC but I wish they could figure this out. It is embaressing and painful.
My poor son who is 8 is starting to show symptoms now. So whatever this is its hereditary.